Christian, three weeks off

Cristiano Ronaldo will be three weeks out with a "bone bruise in the medial malleolus and 'I tibiale' in his right ankle with a post-traumatic edema." The player has been submitted this morning to a more detailed exploration of the injury he suffered yesterday in Mallorca at the clinic Sanitas La Moraleja. The first medical report spoke of a bruised right ankle, the same joint that was injured September 30, 2009 and that he had stopped two months. The MRI revealed that this injury is not serious. White Club doctors have sent medical reports to their Portuguese counterparts and they have decided to release the player selection commitments to Lusa.

On leaving the clinic, Dr. Carlos Díez attended the media. "The estimated time will be around three weeks. The relationship with medical services in Portugal are good, have sent reports and Portugal will decide. It has nothing to do with the other injury, but watch out for and see how evolving injury, for which there is a protocol of rest, ice, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy. Christian right, as he believed it could be much worse because it is the ankle, "said the leader of the Real Madrid medical services.

Christian took a big hit in one inning of Cendrós early in the match and although he could finish, he retired the pitch limping. The unrest soon spread club when the ankle so many problems has given the Federation and the Portuguese Lusa, in view of the medical examination, whose results the Madrid forward, has released the two commitments of selection against Cyprus on 3 September and against Norway, 7.

Cristiano Ronaldo will be sidelined for the Madrid-Osasuna on 12 September and for the opening of Madrid in the Champions League against Ajax on 15 September. It is also doubtful for the league clash against Real Sociedad on 19 March.

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