Mourinho and Barcelona Passions It sold out at the Camp Nou for the visit of Madrid next November 27/28.

Still remain about two months for the Real Madrid give up visit to Camp Nou to be measured at Barcelona, however, fans culés and burn with desire to see Mourinho and his men by the Catalan stage. And that raises passions Luso between a hobby that fears and hates him equally.

Barcelona have put on sale this morning tickets for the league and Champions League this season, however, the first to run out, interestingly, were those of the Barcelona-Real Madrid next November 27/28 .

In less than two hours the fans had left all that was available and no more locations will again offer until days before enceuntro. A good example of that classic of the season is still dragging fans and supporters, to which is added the presence of a Mourinho that every time he goes to Barcelona, leaves no one indifferent.

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